Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today was a great day. I spent the day with mom and dad. I got to get real up-close-and-personal with mom today. The let me out of my room (incubator) and let me lay on mom. I felt right at home and passed right out. Man, I can't remember the last time I slept so soundly! I fit right in mom's arms like a glove...I remember the way she smells and her heartbeat is like an old friend. I settle right in when we hang out. I gave her a big hug and my heartrate slowed right down. I felt right at home and I can't wait to hang out with her again. It would've been perfect, except dad kept trying to talk to mom...jeez man, don't you know when to cork it?!?

I'm happy to report that my nurses told mom and dad that I only had one or two "spells" last night. I think I'll keep these to a minimum. I don't want to scare anyone, after all. Right now, I still have my training wheels on. But, with everyday, I'm getting a little stronger, a little bigger and a little wiser. At this rate, by the time I'm 16, I should know everything!!!

My mom and dad mentioned again how thankful they are for everyone's kindness, thoughts and prayers. They said that they can use all the prayers that people can muster. I heard dad say that he can't wait until things settle down and that they can show me off (I am a rockstar, remember?). Until then, however, dad mentioned that he is appreciative of everyone's understanding when he doesn't call them back...he'd love to talk, it's just, he's so busy trying to take care of me and mom. If I could talk, I'd tell him that he's lucky to have so many great friends and supporters, but I'll bet he already knows that.

Oh, I want to show off a little....I'm posting a little video clip of yours truly. Those Gosselin kids have nothing on me! Darn...I can't get it to upload...I'll have to edit it and post it later. Here's another couple pictures instead...

Take it easy and I'll check back in in a day or two...


  1. You look so big and strong already! Keep up those workouts! Auntie JoJo can't wait to give you a big hug and kiss. Tell your parents they are very blessed to have a handsome guy like yourself in their lives. XOXO and can't wait to see your updates. Wish I could meet you sooner - so maybe I'll have to come gobble gobble you up!

  2. oh my! what a treat!!!!! welcome to the world little one!!!

    we had 30 week twins this summer and have been where you are. a blog is the greatest way to get info out to family and friends! we found it to be a great way to end the day! we started ours when the babies were born:

    please know that you all are in my thoughts. i will think of you daily!! :)

    take care,
    allison mccrary koontz

  3. Welcome to the family Jack and congratulations to mom and dad and the rest of the family from The Longos. It is nice to have another Scorpio around. We can't wait to meet you. From the pictures, it looks like you have large strong hands and perhaps this is a sign that you will grow to be a man of large stature with large helping and capable hands. Rest and keep growing so that you can come home soon. With love, prayers and smiles....
