Tuesday, January 5, 2010

DOL 56

Whoa. What a day. I had a rough one yesterday. I had my second eye exam done. I don't care for those. They gave me good results so far, but honestly, I could think of a number of things I'd rather do than get my eyes tested. It's pretty traumatic. After they are done, I am pretty much wiped out for the day, due to all of the stress this causes me. I was so tired that I hardly took any of my bottle last night...and when I did try to take a few mLs, I had a spell. I took the rest of it through the tube.... I'm glad that DOL 55 is over and done with. Yuk. Here are some pics and videos of me from last night. You can see that I'm really tired. Stick a fork in me!! I'm done!

Well, despite this trauma, I've still been able to courageously choke down more and more food. Every time I grow, they increase the volume of my feeds...It's working too; I'm up to a healthy 5 lbs., 7.7 ozs. Oh yeah, and they weighed me last night too...I'm 17 1/4 inches tall. I've grown two whole inches since I was born! Not too shabby for someone who turned 35 weeks (corrected gestational age), huh?!? Pretty amazing that if I had been full-term, I wouldn't have made my debut for another 5 weeks! That means I wouldn't have started this blog yet! What a shame that would have been!

I'm really excited about today, too. Mom is finally able to come and see me again. She's been sick and ordered not to come to the nursery. I can't wait to see her. It's going to be a great day...


  1. Wow Guys! I am SOOOO glad to hear Jack is doing so well! He's certainly looking "healthier" (fatter) these days. He's so cute too! I just love his hair!

  2. I can't wait to pinch those cheeks! Jack is getting so big so fast :)

  3. Hi everyone. It was nice to see all of you yesterday. Jack got a lot of great stuff which should be a big help when he comes home. "Moving day" will be here sooner than you know it. Jack has a great circle of love and mom and dad have excellent support all around. You are all very blessed. Our love and prayers continue.
