Tuesday, March 9, 2010

DOL 119

Hey folks...long time, no talk! I've been settling in to my new digs. It's been quite a change! I'm so used to staying up all night and being coddled by all the pretty nurses. Now it's just mom and dad...so far they're alright. Sure, I like 'em...but I can see it's going to take a while to train them. They are always trying to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time?!?! What's that all about? All I need is a little nap and it's back to playing and eating.

As for me, I have been very busy lately. I've been to the pediatrician 3 times, the eye doctor's twice, and I've gotten visits from a bunch of different nurses just checking up on me. I keep telling everyone that I'm fine. All I ask is that you change my diapers whenever I mess it, feed me whenever I'm hungry, keep me warm, dry, and entertained all the time, and do this all without me having to tell you...that's all. HA!

All kidding aside, I like my new house. The people are pretty nice here. I've managed to keep on track with my growth since moving here. I'm 10 lbs., 4 oz. as of yesterday. Not too bad for someone whose due date was a month ago (2/09/10). It's a good thing I wasn't full term...I would've been enormous!

Well, it was nice catching up with you folks...I'm posting a bunch of pictures of yours truly in my new house, hangin' out with Auntie Alison, Uncle Rob, Nana Joanie, Granpa John, (Ba)nana Cathy and my dog Ted...I'll update this little blog soon. But in the meantime...who do I have to yell at to get a bottle around here?!?