I had a great weekend! I spent a lot of time with mom and I got a lot of sleep. I grew again! I am up to 2 lbs., 9 oz! I'm well on my way to 3 lbs. I also got some pretty exciting news...I found out that I might be able to get out of this incubator and into a real crib relatively soon. I am doing a better job of regulating my own temperature, so they keep lowering the heat in here. You'll see that I'm all swaddled up too. This is how I'll probably sleep when I get into a crib. I like it a lot, I feel all-tucked-in, just like if I was still in the womb. Plus, this keeps me from pulling at all of my medical instrumentation (I just can't help myself)! Here are a couple of video clips of yours truly.
Here's lookin' at you!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
DOL 17
Hey folks! I hope that you had a good Thanksgiving! My mom and dad have a lot to be thankful for!! We heard today that I gained another ounce! I'm up to 2 1/2 lbs! Not bad for a guy who spends his days asleep!
Overall, I really seem to have settled down. I have only had a few "spells" and I am awfully comfortable in my little bed, so I've been getting a lot of rest. My days are really great. My mom comes up to take naps with me. Pretty soon, I'll be able to take more than one nap outside the incubator/isolette so dad said he'll come take a nap with me then too! I am getting everything that I need. I have a nice warm, dark, quiet place to sleep, plenty of food, and clean diapers. This is the life! So, things here are good.
Still, I am still tired from all of the turkey-formula (haha) that I had yesterday, and the nurses have to get to work stuffing me full of calories (boy am I funny!), so I'm going down for another nap... take care for now....
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
DOL 15
Hey folks! I didn't get to update you yesterday...I was too busy celebrating two weeks!! Plus, sometimes it can be tough to get to a computer with all of these feedings and diaper changes!
Well, I'm a two-weeker now. I'm looking forward to a month..then I'll be really old...
I'm in the "sleep and grow" stage of my development. I do a lot of sleeping, a lot of eating and a lot of pooping. It's not so bad, the nurses change me pretty often, so I don't get uncomfortable. But today, I accidentally pooped on mom!! I was so comfortable, I forgot that I was on her and I made a mess. Get used to it mom. Dad, you're next. Even though all this pooping is yucky, my dad is really happy because it means that I'm digesting all my food!
On a less yucky note, because I've been doing so well with my feedings, the docs are giving me iron supplements now. Pretty soon, my bone marrow will start producing it's own red blood cells. The iron helps my marrow get the job done. Right now, I'm just using the red blood cells that mom gave me. Well, soon I will be able to produce them all by myself!
So far so good everyone! Keep sending your prayers and love. I appreciate it. Oh, and I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving! You can see that I'm all excited for my turkey/mashed potatoes/gravy-flavored formula. I even put on my T-day bib. So, when you're settling in for your post dinner-nap, I will be too!! See you on Friday!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
DOL 13
Great news today! I got good grades on a follow up head ultrasound...no change and it looks like I'm going to be just fine on that front! My mom and dad were very relieved after they heard that.
It looks like from here on out, I am just trying to sleep, eat, and grow. I have a number of other hurdles, but so far, so good. I settled down a little since the lights were removed. Those lights drove me nuts! They also elevated my temperature, which caused my heartrate to speed up, which made my mom very nervous (what else is new?!).
I have been having a lot of spells lately. You probably remember, this is when I forget to breathe for a few seconds. Most of the time, I remember, but if I don't and those little alarms tattle on me...well, then I get a little tickle from a nurse. That usually helps me remember to get back to work breathing! The other thing that the doctors did for me is to put me on a little dose of caffeine to keep my little heart beating normally. (My mom and dad love the stuff, so I guess I'm a chip off the ol' block!)
This all sounds pretty scary, but I keep telling my mom and dad that it's okay and I'll knock it off in time. Because my neurological system (nerves and stuff) is immature, sometimes the signal that my brain is sending shorts out on the way to my little muscles. All of this will go away when I get a little older.
Until then, though, I will probably just continue to give my dad gray hair, and my mom restless nights. I think that this is pretty much par for the course. So, some "spells" now, but someday I'll ask to borrow the car and then watch them worry! I've got plenty of growing to do until then, so I've got to get to sleep (which is when I grow the most). I have a full belly and I got to nap with mom and dad, so I'm going to call it a day. Tomorrow is my two week mark! I'm 2 weeks old!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
DOL 12
Hi everyone! I took yesterday off because I was having a difficult day...but that passed and I'm back to my old self! The nurses here gave me tube called a low-flow nasal cannula to keep me settled. Ever since they gave this to me, I've been much more calm. All I know is, I like pulling on it!
So, mom and dad came to visit. I took a long nap with mom...she's the best. Otherwise, today was a pretty uneventful, calm day. I'm sure mom and dad are happy about that after yesterday! I have calmed down a bit and I get to sleep much better with no bright lights in my eyes. I do keep pulling on that tube in my nose and it keeps ending up in my mouth. Not my intention, but it gets me some attention from the nurses!
Here are some more photos of me!
Friday, November 20, 2009
DOL 10
I'm in double digits today! Here's a little video clip from last night. I don't like sitting still. I'm a mover-and-a-shaker!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hello there! Good news! You may have noticed the bright lights shining on me constantly. Well, I'm not sure if I told you, but I don't like them. Well, the good news is that in the next couple hours, the doctors said that we can shut them off!! Hopefully, this is for good...now I can get some rest here! I also heard that they are going to increase the size of my meals! That's great!!! I can't wait for that full belly! Now I have to convince them that I should get ice cream for dessert...
Today was a good day. Mom was here all day again. I saw dad a few times, too. They told me that the doctors were really happy with my progress. I have a few hurdles ahead of me, but I'm really trying hard to get past them without making everyone worry. I'm trying to clear those hurdles with a lot of room to spare so everyone can rest a little easy. Why, by this time next year, I'll bet I'll be chuggin' down pureed carrots and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving!
Here are a bunch of pictures that I had taken. I thought that you might enjoy them...I'm wearing some shades in a couple of these, but as soon as these lights go away, they are coming off!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hello from South Shore Hospital NICU! Just thought I'd let everyone know how things were going. Today has been pretty good so far! I had a few good meals this morning, then dad stopped by. He is always asking questions...he's a stress-case. He didn't stay too long, but long enough to wake me up with all of his picture-taking! Now mom's here. She usually spends the day with me. I take naps on top of her. It's a nice change from being cooped up in that big plastic box all day.
When mom's here, I get to sleep without all those lights on me for once. They say that the lights are really helping my liver get rid of those broken blood cells, but I'll be glad to see them go...they're so bright that I have to have my eyes covered. The nurses tried to put little goggles on me. But I took them off. Then we tried a hat. But I took that off. Now they have a little head-band piece of material that they pull over my eyes. I like to pull that up too. In fact, I pretty much enjoy pulling anything foreign from/out/off/away from myself. It's a fun little game that the nurses and I play. They intubate, I extubate. They cover, I uncover. I like to keep them on their toes! I think mom and dad might infer from this that I may "give them a run for their money", whatever that means...
I've posted some pics of yours truly...the color photos are from today. The black and whites are from a week ago...but I thought they were good ones, so I'm postin' 'em anyway.
Well, since mom's here now, I think I'll put the keyboard away and snuggle with her. I have to get some quality mom time now, because once I'm a little bigger and stronger, I'll bet I get to spend a lot more time with all of you out there! I'm looking forward to it! Talk to you later...
Hey folks! I got good news today...I got my results back from my big test. I didn't get 100, but I came pretty darn close! Everything that all these people are doing for me is really paying off! I feel good. I got weighed today too. I'm a hefty 2 lbs., 4 oz. I know, you're thinking "Jack weren't you 2 lbs., 6 oz. at birth?" Well, good memory...but I think I neglected to mention that I am expected to lose 10-12% of my birth weight before I start gaining again. Usually, a guy of my gestational (that's a pretty big word for such a little guy) age will get back up to his birth-weight at Day of Life 10. I think I'm going to beat that! To help me, my doctors and nurses are increasing my "feeds". I am downing more and more of that delicious stuff. What can I say...I like to eat (I take after my dad!).
Today was a good day. I spent all day with mom. Dad came later. He told me he was sorry that he had to work...don't worry dad, I'll let you make it up to me with lots of playtime down the road. Mom was fun today. She has such a nice voice. Oh, and she's pretty too. I saw her red hair today. I keep hearing my parents talking about what color my hair is going to be. It looks like a dirty blonde right now...but that won't last. I think I'll keep 'em guessing for now. At least for a little while. Well that's it for me today...the big test took a lot out of me, so I'm going to get back to doing what I like best, napping. Here's a little video of me....
Today was a good day. I spent all day with mom. Dad came later. He told me he was sorry that he had to work...don't worry dad, I'll let you make it up to me with lots of playtime down the road. Mom was fun today. She has such a nice voice. Oh, and she's pretty too. I saw her red hair today. I keep hearing my parents talking about what color my hair is going to be. It looks like a dirty blonde right now...but that won't last. I think I'll keep 'em guessing for now. At least for a little while. Well that's it for me today...the big test took a lot out of me, so I'm going to get back to doing what I like best, napping. Here's a little video of me....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Here's what I'm up to today. I decided to take it easy on my parents today. I only had one spell today. I'm trying not to stress them out...I just got a little lazy and my heartrate dipped a bit. I'm new to this, so cut me some slack. Today was pretty uneventful...except, I got rid of that little tube up my nose. I think that I made enough of a stink (no pun intended...although I did mess a diaper up pretty bad today) about it that they decided that I'd do just fine without it. I'm pretty pumped. Mom and dad came to visit today, too. I took a nap with mom again...that's my favorite part of the day. Oh, and dad changed my diaper too. Don't worry mom, you'll have plenty of opportunities to change me.
I feel like I'm starting to come into my own today. I feel better, and I have decided that I really like to lay down on my stomach. I settle right down when I get to pretend I'm sleeping on mom. Oh, and I got to eat some more today. They have only been giving me appetizers for the past few days...I keep telling them that I'm still hungry. Finally, they listened. I got a good meal tonight and I'm looking forward to a quiet night of sleep. After all, I have a big day tomorrow. I heard mom and dad talking about a big ultrasound test tomorrow. I hope I get good grades...so, I'm off to bed for some rest.
Before I go, I'm posting some more pictures of my little mug...I'm looking much better now that all the swelling and bruising from birth have gone down. I feel like I'm starting to look more like myself! Just to keep all of my readers entertained, I posted a pic of me wearing my dad's wedding band on my arm! Imagine that!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Today was a great day. I spent the day with mom and dad. I got to get real up-close-and-personal with mom today. The let me out of my room (incubator) and let me lay on mom. I felt right at home and passed right out. Man, I can't remember the last time I slept so soundly! I fit right in mom's arms like a glove...I remember the way she smells and her heartbeat is like an old friend. I settle right in when we hang out. I gave her a big hug and my heartrate slowed right down. I felt right at home and I can't wait to hang out with her again. It would've been perfect, except dad kept trying to talk to mom...jeez man, don't you know when to cork it?!?
I'm happy to report that my nurses told mom and dad that I only had one or two "spells" last night. I think I'll keep these to a minimum. I don't want to scare anyone, after all. Right now, I still have my training wheels on. But, with everyday, I'm getting a little stronger, a little bigger and a little wiser. At this rate, by the time I'm 16, I should know everything!!!
My mom and dad mentioned again how thankful they are for everyone's kindness, thoughts and prayers. They said that they can use all the prayers that people can muster. I heard dad say that he can't wait until things settle down and that they can show me off (I am a rockstar, remember?). Until then, however, dad mentioned that he is appreciative of everyone's understanding when he doesn't call them back...he'd love to talk, it's just, he's so busy trying to take care of me and mom. If I could talk, I'd tell him that he's lucky to have so many great friends and supporters, but I'll bet he already knows that.
Oh, I want to show off a little....I'm posting a little video clip of yours truly. Those Gosselin kids have nothing on me! Darn...I can't get it to upload...I'll have to edit it and post it later. Here's another couple pictures instead...
Take it easy and I'll check back in in a day or two...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Whew! What a night! It was a little crazy last night. I had a few "spells". The nurses said that this is not uncommon and to be expected from a guy my age. These spells are bradycardic, that is, my heartrate slowed. Hey, I remembered to keep breathing though! Before you start rushing to judgment, cut Jack a little slack (a writer and a poet! I didn't even know it! My feet show it; Longfellows aren't they?--man, I love that joke). These "spells" aren't uncommon and I'm still breathing throughout them...I mean, seriously folks, I'm way ahead of the game, so no cause for concern. After all, they still call me a "rockstar".
I will eventually grow out of these "spells", but remember how I told you that some of my organs are not completely mature yet? Well, that's what's doing it. I'm just trying to get all my pistons calibrated and firing at once. I'll get there soon enough. Before you know it, I'll be out of here and stinking up your house with my dirty diapers when I come to visit.
My mom and dad are here all the time...but they need a rest. They seem as tired as I am...I'm not going to stress them out too much more. I hear them talking about how much they appreciate everyone's support and prayers. I'm a lot to worry about right now, so don't get upset if you don't hear back from them for a while...they are so busy with me at the hospital that they don't get much sleep...HA! Just wait 'til I get home! They're done sleeping! Goodbye 8 hours, hello bags under-the-eyes! Oh well, I'm worth it!
Before I finish for the day, I thought I'd post a picture of the older brother that my parents keep talking about. This is a pic that my dad left on the camera when they snuck him into the maternity ward to visit with mom...it was Halloween, so he's in a coastal-New England-appropriate costume. I'm not sure what any of that means, I just report what I hear. I'm only 4 days old, after all.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ok...so a quick rundown of last night's events. I got changed. Nice. Nothing like a new pair of pants to make you feel like a new man. Oh, as promised, I pulled that darn tube out of my mouth. I heard the doc say that I didn't need it and they will just keep an eye on me. Score one for the Jackster! I do have this other tube down my mouth, for now (but we'll see how long that one lasts).
I'm feeling pretty good right now. But, somebody keeps pulling this hat over my eyes. I keep having to pull it back up. This seems to be the way things go around here. I hear from the nurses that my heart rate, respirations, and O2 saturation levels are good. I'm not sure I care about any of that, though. I think I'm a little more interested in the damn hat they keep pulling down over my eyes. It's pretty bright in here, even at night. They keep these lights on me all the time. They say it's for my own good. I heard my mom used to own a tanning salon...maybe they're prepping me for a career!?! It's really because the lights help breakdown some of the damaged cells in my blood so that my liver can make short work of them. My liver isn't quite finished maturing (along with many of my organs), so I can use the help right now.
Otherwise, I seem to be doing pretty well. My breathing and heartrate is good. I forgot to mention that while I was back with mom, I got a few doses of some steriods, which help with my lungs...which is nice, so I got that going for me.
So far, so good. It was a long day. I did some relaxin' with mom and dad. They seem to be here a lot. I like mom; she's pretty and she is really nice. Dad's okay too...he's growing on me. The nurses here are cool too. So far, no complaints...except for the whole "pee/poop your pants" thing. Oh, and the bright lights. But, all in all, this place isn't so bad. Well, that's enough for me today, I'll catch you tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
DOL (Day of Life) 1
HELLO!!!! Hi there! Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jack! I'm Dinean and Mike's son. I'm a little early, but (like my mom and dad) I'm a little anxious, and I just couldn't wait to get out and get started livin'! Today is my first day on the job, but I'm looking forward to the experience...let me tell you little about myself. I'm 2 lbs., 6 oz. and 15 1/4 inches tall. I may not be the biggest kid in the schoolyard, but I'm all heart!
I am 27 weeks of gestation today. Most us kids stick around until 40 weeks, but I just couldn't wait...I had to get out and meet everyone. I'm a born writer (literally! ha!) (and I must share my dad's dry sense of humor...but I digress), so I figured that I'd keep this journal to keep everyone informed of what I'm up to.
I came along tonight at about 5:38pm. What a hulabaloo! Everyone was poking, prodding and touching me all over. I'm glad that's all through! I didn't even get a chance to really say hello to mom and dad. All the doctors rushed me off to this new house. I'm hanging out in a new neighborhood called the NICU. It's like my old house, but there are a lot more people hanging around. Now, I'm just relaxing under the warm glow of the lights in the isolette (some people call these incubators). It's nice and warm in here. Pretty boring, but warm. I have this dumb thing up my nose. I heard the nurses call it a CPAP, but all I know is that I hate it. It looks like scuba gear and it's really cramping my style. In fact, any chance I get, I'm pulling that thing out of my nostrils!! They also have this tube in my mouth that helps me breathe. I hate that too. In fact, later tonight...that sucker's comin' out! Other than that, there are a couple odds and ends (feeding tube, monitoring/IV lines) that they have me hooked up to. All this stuff is a pain, but I suppose I'll deal with it for now.
So, here I am! I am early, but I'm in pretty good shape. I met my mom and dad...they seem nice. I look forward to testing many boundaries with them. Oh, and I met a few close family members, too. If I was a betting man, I'd guess that they'll give me what ever I want...I'll have to keep that in mind for later. So, my first day draws to a close. I am pretty tired, so I'm signing off. But, I can't think of a better way to summarize my first day than with a verse from a little poem that I heard once
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
I'll get through these dark woods. I've got a lot of unfulfilled hopes, dreams and aspirations (ha! a little medical joke for my nurses) ahead of me. I can't wait until tomorrow...
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